How to win at slot machines?

You have probably searched for “how to win at slot machines” and yes, this question is at the top of the Argentine internet. Although there is no guaranteed method of “how to win at slots” since it is a game of chance, there are strategies to follow. It helps to know the RTP and look… Continue reading How to win at slot machines?

Categorized as Slot Games

ICMIZER, Flopzilla, Pokerstove: How useful are they?

We have already talked about the usefulness of software that collects statistics and information about your opponents at online poker tables. If you are a serious online poker player, you cannot avoid using at least one of these products such as Holdem Manager 2 or HUD. But what about the software that allows you to… Continue reading ICMIZER, Flopzilla, Pokerstove: How useful are they?